

Barrybados 10K

2 GoodGymers made their way 10km in a race in Cardiff.

  • Cardiff runner
  • Ellen
Sunday, 5th of August 2018
Led by Ellen

It was hot hot hot at Barry Island this morning for the start of the very first Barry 10K. Ellen and Lucy arrived by train from Cardiff to join almost 3000 other runners. After a loo stop and bag drop visit it was time to head to the pens. The views of Whitmore Bay were stunning and there were thousands of excited spectators lining the start area.

From our yellow pen towards the back, we heard the countdown from 10 and the start siren. It was a little of an anti-climax for us as it took us a further 5 minutes to reach the start line and by now the temperature had reached the mid twenty degrees mark. Under the start gantry and we were off...

What followed was a challenging and undulating, I mean hilly, course that took in Barry docks, Romilly Park and The Knap to name a few of the sights we passed. There was very little shade on the course with some runners taking to the pavements rather than the road to try to utilise the little shade that the buildings gave. The support all around the course was great but I think most people's favourite supporter would be the chap sat spraying water from his hosepipe into the sea of oncoming runners at around the 8.5KM mark in an attempt to help us to keep cool - thank you very much.

In the final kilometre runners were lulled into a false sense of security thinking that the last of the hills was behind them but alas, with the finish line in sight, the course took runners to the left behind the pleasure beach rides and up the hill passing the Barry Island train station. Once this final hill was tackled and a right turn negotiated, it was time to enjoy the last 100 meters of downhill to the finish line...phew its over!

Once Ellen and Lucy had both finished and managed to find one another and collect their bags it was time for photos and of course the required 'GoodGym medal jump' picture. No day at the seaside would be complete without an ice cream so of course we had to have one. Ellen then enjoyed a dip in the cooling sea whilst Lucy headed back to Cardiff on the train.

Overall the race was really well organised and enjoyable to be a part of if not very hot and sticky. The supporters and volunteers did an incredible job. The medals given for completing the race are fantastic too with colourful beach huts on them. With such a successful event today, I'm sure that this race will be back again next year and more GoodGymmers can take the opportunity to complete this seaside run.

Report written by Cardiff runner

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Monday August 6th, 2018 23:02

Thanks for doing the race report Lucy - I completely forgot about it after that tiring day!

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