
Community mission

A wheely tree-mendous way to get mulch better informed about orchard care

4 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Lewisham.

  • Hackney runner
  • Steve Lee
  • Linda Gatley
  • Isaac Beevor
Saturday, 18th of February 2023
Led by Kim

Four GoodGymers, five local residents and two wheelbarrows were all it took to give a thorough dose of early spring care to Iona Orchard at the southern end of Ladywell Fields this morning.

After instruction from one of the local volunteers, we learned that now is a good time to prune pip fruit trees (apples and pears), while stone fruit trees (plums and cherries) are better left until summer… that willow mulch is particularly beneficial for adding nutrients because it’s derived from green growth… and that caution is needed weeding around the bases of the young trees to avoid damaging delicate roots which grow near the soil surface ready to catch rainwater.

Setting to work, Phil joined the pruning team, Steve and Isaac did wonders shifting mulch using buckets and a wheelbarrow, while Linda nipped home to bring a second wheelbarrow to speed progress! By spreading a thick layer of mulch in a generous circle under each tree, we have protected the roots from cold weather and helped to keep the ground damp during this year’s dry periods.

Which all adds up to stronger growth, greater absorption of carbon dioxide – and hopefully tastier harvests!

Report written by Linda Gatley

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Help plant the wildflower plugs at Florence Green

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Kim
Glass Mill Leisure Centre

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