
Group run

A Midsummer Nights GG Team

33 GoodGymers made their way 5km to help the Regather in Sheffield.

  • Becky Greenwood
  • Caroline Thomas
  • Tom Mutton
  • Mike Jones
  • Sheffield runner
  • Zofia
  • Ash
  • Annie Anthony Mays
  • Sarah Louise
  • Stephen Gilmer
  • Chris Dyer
  • Hannah McCormack
  • Gilly Harris
  • Rachel
  • James Smith
  • Sheffield runner
  • Bee Gan
  • Joe Dunne
  • Helen Alford
  • Sergiu Radu
  • Chris
  • Andrew Waters
  • Sheffield runner
  • Nicholas Webster
  • DAIANA Allen
  • Celine
  • Abi
  • Sheffield runner
  • Ibrahim Alkhataybeh
  • Sy Atchana Fu
  • Joe Waller
  • Tom Mundy
  • Linsey Mundy
Monday, 15th of July 2019
Led by Tom Mutton

A HUGE GG welcome to new runners Tom Mundy and Linsey Mundy.

Give em a cheer!

Welcome both, hope you enjoyed it and see you on another run soon!

Last nights run was back to our old friends at Lynwood Gardens to help MAGIC MARTIN and GORGEOUS GARETH with the upkeep of this gem of a space which also hosts an outdoor kindergarten!

Tasks this week included:

  1. Scything and raking
  2. Compost turning
  3. Lopping, weeding and raking

We quickly split into our three teams and got straight onto the tasks with special care being taken with the scythes, being sure to announce if you were being someone - 'a good rule for life' according to Stevie G.

After a good session with everyone getting really stuck in we all 'breathed a scythe of relief' (Stevie G) on a hot midsummers nights eve, downed tools and headed in the direction of home.

On the way back we had a split due to a wedding leftover dense focaccia - In Carolines words 'we're going rouge, it's a heavy loaf'.

The rest of us got stuck into some fitness which included;

  1. Hill Sprints
  2. Head to head high plank relay aka 'The Caterpillar'
  3. Stair sets & loop backs

On arrival outside the Showroom we stretched off and heard the latest news before heading in for a well earned jar!

Until next time, happy running!

Report written by Tom Mutton

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Tom Mutton
Led by Tom Mutton

Sheffield Area Activator. PT, England Athletics Coach in Running Fitness & Tutor.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back markers

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Chris Dyer
    • Hannah McCormack
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Chris Dyer

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Pitsmoor Pickers: Joint Litter Pick

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Tom Mutton
Showroom Cinema

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