

A Little Help for the Lovely Mrs E

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Lewisham.

  • Alex Murtough
Friday, 26th of March 2021

I started this morning by doing something I used to love in the pre-Covid world.

Waking up early to a day of annual leave, I ate a banana, donned shorts and a top, and jumped on out to see in the day by running.

But whilst the running was lovely and whilst it's always good to seize the daylight, the bit I really used to love just wasn't quite right. Because whilst running with a day of freedom ahead is always a treat, it's just not the same when you can't smile at a commuter and think '"isn't it nice I'm not doing what you're doing"...

Which may, I'm aware, cause me to be banned from the lovely and good-deeding world of GoodGym. But there, I've said it. And I'm glad the GG HQ Team haven't installed a 'boo' button to accompany cheers.

Anyway, the trundle to Lewisham was still a treat. It always makes me feel lucky and fortunate to be able to be out and moving. One of the simplest and beautiful pleasures we take for granted. And I was feeling especially fortunate, as I was on my way to meet Mrs E for the first time.

She greeted me with a wonderfully meticulously costed list and smiling eyes, and it took just under 45 minutes to be out and back with her small bag of essentials. An easy task, which hopefully makes things a small touch easier and nicer for Mrs E this weekend.

Nice one.

Report written by Alex Murtough

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Removed User
Removed User
Monday March 29th, 2021 09:59

Nice one Alex, keep getting outside and moving. Here's to your next day off - oh and we love a neat shopping list!

Adele Prince
Adele Prince
Monday March 29th, 2021 21:34

Who could boo you Alex?! Great work, as always.

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