

A Little Help for the Lovely Miss C

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Lewisham.

  • Alex Murtough
Saturday, 5th of September 2020

There were times, long ago passed, when hangovers were mere annoyances that passed without much trouble to my senses. They were happy, if unhealthier, times. The times when I could have a mighty 2 pints and feel like a normal human the following morning. Oh, those halcyon days.

Sadly, Dear Reader, those times have passed. You may notice from my photo, the photo without much hair in it, that I am no longer as young as some other people. And having had 1 cocktail and 1 pint on Friday night, I started Saturday's early morning run towards Bellingham feeling slightly far less sprightly than usual.

Not that that lasted long. For an hour later I had the joy of meeting the wonderful Miss C. Warm and welcoming, she greeted me with a smile. And having run through her list of culinary desires, I hotfooted it to the local Sainsbury's. Which was, very thankfully, just a hop and a skip away. The hangover gods were on my side.

A swift 25 minutes later, I popped back to Miss C's with two full bags of tasty and nutritious delights. A smile and wave later, I started my slow walk back towards Greenwich feeling, I have to admit, a little more sprightly than usual. Nice one.

Report written by Alex Murtough

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CJ Jessup
CJ Jessup
Monday September 7th, 2020 10:37

Relatable, Alex :) well done for pushing through and helping out!

Adele Prince
Adele Prince
Saturday September 12th, 2020 08:12

That’s some interesting and wholesome hangover cure! Kudos on the long run/walk!

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