
Community mission

1-100 We just go with the Flow(er)

5 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Hounslow.

  • Jennifer
  • Harvey Gallagher
  • Gisela Provasi
  • Jane Pickerden
  • Hounslow runner
Sunday, 4th of July 2021
Led by Jennifer

On Sunday 6 lovely goodgymers gave up their day of rest to return to a much loved task among GoodGym helping out at the weekly Chiswick flower market.

On arrival Amanda set us to work, we had the lovely tasks of removing the banners and signs surrounding the market, It was a bit of a “ballsy” job but someone had to do it. Gisela and Jane sure were "balling" and had it done in no time!

Harvey, Jen and Alanna headed over to the Costa car park to retrieve some barriers it was a 3 (wo)man job and they even picked up a trusty traffic cone along the way too, Don't say we're not good to you Amanda.

It was the next job when we all “rose” to the occasion moving and piling ALL the barriers and put the best “ feet feet - feet feet " forward.

It wasn't long before it was mission complete and time for the heavens to open just as we surprised Jen with a cake to celebrate her 100th Good Deed, glad somebody remembered as she hadn't. It wouldn't be GoodGym Hounslow if there wasn't an excuse for a cake.

Big shout of to Giesla for her very first Good deed the first of many we hope! Everyone give her a cheer. Gisela

Report written by Jennifer

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Led by Jennifer

GoodGym Hounslow runner

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Supporting a partnership between Chiswick allotments and Hounslow foodbank

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Anastasia Hancock

Chiswick Town Hall

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