
Group run

Juan is the Loneliest Number ….!!

12 GoodGymers made their way 4.0km to help the Jubilee Primary School in Lambeth.

  • Yianny
  • Lambeth runner
  • Emily Waller
  • Michael Welsh
  • Clare Hurst
  • Manuel Bruna
  • Nathan Wood
  • Hannah Gostling
  • Joao Fernandes
  • Kaz Podstolski
  • Charlotte Anstey
  • Inny
  • Dimi
Tuesday, 16th of August 2022
Led by Yianny
he / him

Tuesday evening in full summer and as you would expect we were facing rain storms.... but as ever Lambeth GoodGym managed to glide between the raindrops and it had cleared nicely by 6pm.

The number of runners had ticked up nicely and we had 12 ready and raring to go to help out our friend Juan at Jubilee Primary School.

I was delighted to see Manuel make his Tuesday debut with us having met him at the GG Shindig - great to have you with us!

The AA was at a loss for a category so opened it up to the floor this evening and Charlotte had a doozy for us - favourite ice cream!! We had everything from classic vanilla, a New Zealand classic with honeycomb, rum and raisin (not for kids) and of course who remembers Gino Ginelli??! Check out the WA group for a few tasty recommendations as well.

The debate continues to rage at GoodGym about warm up / cool down / stretching around Group Runs with our Run Leaders and AAs split in their opinions - answers on a postcard please or in the WhatsApp group on your thoughts, we continue to do ours as a way of helping those who sit all day for a living loosen up!

With Yianny still managing knee issues Joao once again agreed to use his newly acquired Run Leader skills to take the group up to JPS and they could all reconvene there.

Juan was waiting for us and explained the tasks: 1) Carry all the chopped branches and greenery to the bins at the back 2) Empty the soil from the broken planters and leave in the 2 tonne sacks 3) Bonus task, clearing some alien lifeform florafrom the side garden (more below)

We considered taking to the bikes and transporting the green waste but sadly like Daleks were foiled by having to navigate stairs!

The group all helped with task 1 then with limited space we divided into two groups for soil digging and garden clearing. The soil group felt the effects of global heating with the dry soil so compacted that it was a real effort to chip away and shovel it into the bags although we had brains and brawn with some heavy forking (steady...) going on and some fine skilled mini shovelling (Kaz you genius!)

Garden clearing group discovered a breed of plant with a beautiful but malevolent spiky bloom which attached itself to any form of clothing, skin or hair and was almost impossible to remove, rolling itself with every attempt to brush it away and leaving tiny hair like bristles behind with little hooks to nicely embed in your skin..... The only solution once these were removed was found to be a warm wash!! (Thank you to Emily for demonstrating these effects by throwing one at me).

As ever we had fun, we got through a huge amount of work (with plenty left so we might be back next week) and Juan was delighted with us.

A quick 1.5kms back to base for stretching - yes we stretch - and we were done. I'm off to the supermarket to look for bougie Booja Punky Munky or some such delight, thanks for the tip Maya!

Report written by Yianny

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Led by Yianny

Area Activator for Lambeth, LiRF Run Leader, predominantly held together by string and tape!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Emily Waller

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Glengarry PulRoss - Tuesday’s Group Run & SOCIAL !!

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Yianny

Papa's Park

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