Why we are supporting Lambeth Covid-19 Mutual Aid
Lambeth is a full of amazing people, volunteering to help others at this time. The Lambeth Covid-19 Mutual Aid group was set up to coordinate food deliveries, leaflet delivery and other necessary jobs.
How to get involved
You can head to their website here https://www.lambethmutualaid.co.uk/volunteer-contact which has a google form to fill out, or you can email them at lambethcovid19mutualaid@gmail.com There is also a facebook group with regular posts from people requesting help: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LambethCOVID19MutualAid/
Show your support
3 people are supporting Lambeth Covid-19 Mutual Aid
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Area Activator for GoodGym Bromley. Mostly runs for the train. On purpose obvs. Also helping to launch new GG areas with the central team 🚀